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July 20, 2007

Posted by licoriceplanet in Uncategorized.

Increase Web Site Traffic With Articles

To increase web-site traffic is a time consuming JOB, unless you think smart and use an article directory or multiple article directories.

j0301252.jpg1. Only Two Methods Needed To Increase Web-Site Traffic
There are several different ways to increase web-site traffic, but only one is the best and this article will explain in full detail how to accomplish this. First and foremost, forget everything you’ve ever read on increasing web-site traffic. Only the best and smartest concepts will be learned from this article. Only relevant backlinks and relevant reciprocal links are needed. Why are these the only two concepts you should focus on to increase targeted web-site traffic. These two methods will kill four birds with one stone, search engine rankings, link popularity, pagerank(PR), and targeted web-site traffic. There is no reason for me to explain why these increase your targeted traffic, but only how to utilize them.
3.jpg2.Relevant Backlinks Increase Web-Site Traffic
Backlinks are the heart of search engine rankings and can dramatically increase web-site traffic alone. Why? Backlinks carry more importance then any other form of links, because the search engine feels, that if there is a backlink or one-way link to your site from another without linking to them, that your site is more important. 50 Backlinks are more important than 500 reciprocal links. Search engines are aware that webmasters trade links, so to have multiple backlinks from highly important sites tells the search engine, this site is important regarding this particular niche, this is why your backlinks must be relevant. How do I acquire high pr backlinks with out paying hundreds of dollars. Articles! An Article Directory can be your savior in your backlink crisis. Almost all article directories will have at least a PR4 ranking. Why? Unique content and all the article pages providing a backlink to the article directory.
j0291984.jpg3.An Article Directory Can Increase Relevant Backlinks
You are going to exploit the article system by creating lots of article pages with a one-way or backlink to your site or several sites if you choose. Most article directories will allow you to insert three links in the resource box of an article submission form. By writing artices and submitting to a directory or directories, you will gain three backlinks for every article published. One article can expand. I had to show you the power of articles, so I published one 6 days prior to this one, “The Full Adsense Formula.” Google search it within the quotations. Now I only submitted it to 150 article directories, and in 6 days I have twice as many backlinks from this published article. Why are there twice as many links as article directories I submitted to? An article directory is not just for publishing articles, but also for webmasters with a high demand for content. These webmasters can reprint or publish your article, with your permission of course, on their site as long as they keep the article intact, including the backlinks to your sites. Now, for a webmaster to want to reprint your article it must be relevant to their site. Relevant Backlinks! An article I wrote last year now has been published on 8,000 pages. A lot of relevant backlinks for thirty minutes of typing. This will increase your PR within weeks and you will see the increase in web-site traffic in days. This article exploit is used more for the search engines rankings and backlinks, not long term web-site traffic. The reason for this is because the NEW article itself will only generate traffic for a month or so.
j0215086.jpg4.Articles Increase Search Engine Rankings
Now these articles in the directories will be indexed in the search engines on their own page, with your link at the end. So 5,000 pages with your article increases your chances of a search engine user locating it, reading it, and visiting your site afterwards. Why? They want more info or have come to the conclusion that you know what you are talking about, if it is a very informative article. While these pages move up in the SERP’s(Search Engine Results Page) over time the page they are linked to will move up also. For Search Engine purposes, the backlink that follows the article should not have the article on it. Why? Search engines like unique content and the visitor doesn’t want to read the same article over. They want more relevant info that wasn’t included in the article.
j0183328.jpg5.Use Articles To Gain Reciprocal Links
Write an article on reciprocal links and inform your readers that you will be exchanging links, leave your email address and the topics of your pages and you won’t have to spend enourmous amounts of time looking for links to increase your web-site traffic. They’ll email you. Once the pages are in the search engines. I have used these methods many times to give new domains at least a (PR5)PageRank of 5 in 30 days time. I have a new article directory myself, I will try to obtain a PR8 in no time.



 10 Search Engine Optimisation Tips For WordPress Blogs 


Search engine optimisation for WordPress is essential if you are to gain maximum traction from your efforts. Many corporate or business blogs are started with the intention of using them to;

– broaden the companies information distribution

– provide an easy way to grow the site

– provide an easy way to create fresh content

– increase the “stickiness” of the site

– generate additional qualified traffic

– increase incoming link count

However, what many people fail to understand is that the default installation of WordPress simply does not include even the most basic SEO functionality. The default WordPress installation generates unintelligible URLs, generic Page Titles and neither Description nor Keyword meta-tags. Thus, the chances of achieving the desired goals is severely compromised! That search engines hate duplicate content is a given – and 3 of the key indicators are page URL, Title and Description!

Fortunately, SEO for WordPress is facilitated by the concept of “plugins” or easily installed mini-applications which provide specific functionality. They do so dynamically – in other words, once installed the applications automate the process of generating accurate outputs, with no manual efforts required by you. Here are ten essential enhancements to WordPress that will make a huge difference in the qualified traffic your blog delivers to you!

1. Page Names or URLs

This is controlled by the Permalinks setting – the default produces garbage URL’s which give no indication of the actual page or post content. However, its not particularly difficult to have every page URL show as a keyword-rich plain-English file name with an HTML extension! This can be based on the post title or Slug, so you have precise control over the page name / URL. Achieving this simply requires the use of the Custom Permalink option.

2. Titles

The Optimal Title plugin provides a quick solution – once installed it dynamically inserts the post title into the pages Title tag, in front of the Weblog title you have set. This facilitates keyword-rich titles specific/unique to the page / post. Accurate titles are the single most important on-site SEO element.

3. Description Meta-tag

There are several plugins that dynamically provides good Description meta-tags. The one I like is Head-Meta-Desc as its a no-brainer to install, and by default uses either the optional excerpt if present, or the first 20 words from the first paragraph of the posting. The only thing I change is to edit the number of words it takes – from 20 to 30, which usually
produces a Description tag containing 180 – 200 characters.

4. Keyword Meta-Tag

To produce an accurate page-specific keyword meta-tag, I use Ultimate Tag Warrior – a keyword meta-tag is an on/off option within this plugin, and it dynamically produces keywords based on post category + tags used in the post. That’s not all it does!

5. Tag Management

When you see the word “tag” in the blog context, simply think “keyword.” Tags are the blogger’s version of keywords, which are “pinned” to blog post to help categorise them, and find them, or similar / related posts again. The Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin previously mentioned will manage your tags for you… the ultimate convenience being the drop-down list of tags available on new posts! This speeds up the tagging process, and assists in tag name consistency. UTW provides various options for displaying tags on each post – as a list, as a tag cloud…

6. Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress

A sitemap is a key SEO tool to ensure pages have the best possible chance of being found and indexed by search engine spiders. This plugin creates a Google-compliant XML-Sitemap of your WordPress blog, including homepage, posts, static pages, categories and archives. This plugin also notifies Google whenever the sitemap gets regenerated – which happens
automatically every time a new post is made!

7. Categories

Use them wisely! take care to use keyword-rich, accurate Category names, these will be used in URLs, and in keyword meta-tags.

8. Post Titles

Use them wisely also! Keyword-rich, accurate post titles can make the world of difference to your SE rankings. Coupled with Optimal Title, the post title is going to be the first section of the Page Title. Each post title should include a relevant keyword / keyword phrase…

9. Maximise Blog & Ping Potential

There are services that scan blogs regularly for updates, and publish the recent updates. To derive the benefit of that, you need to add an expanded ping list to the Options / Writing / Update List. By default, WordPress only pings the Pingomatic service with new posts. There are a growing number of other distribution services that you need to be notifying, to get the best results.

10 Blog Search Engines & Directories

You must manually submit your blog to 100+ top blog search engines and directories to gain maximum traction. Registration on those offering ping services ensures that your blog’s update pings will be accepted and processed by them.

If you implement these 10 simple WordPress search engine optimisation modifications to your blog, I can guarantee you will achieve a huge boost in traffic flows!